Pablo Foladori

He studied musical composition at UCA (Catholic University of Argentina), Literature at UBA (University of Buenos Aires), and Operatic Staging and Direction at the Colón Theater’s ISA (Superior Institute of Art). He studied theater under Lisandro Rodríguez and Mariano Tenconi, among others. He studied singing under Ida Terkiel, Ana Sirulnik, and Myriam Toker; and chamber music under Diana Sneider and Guillermo Opitz.
He played the leading role in the opera Establishment at the CTC, the Colón
Theater’s Center of Experimentation. He directed and wrote the plays Oblivion
Soave (selected for the Experiencias en Escena series at the Borges Cultural
Center), and Mujer Luna Corta el Círculo with support from the FNA (National
Endowment for the Arts) (Beckett Theater).
He directed and sang in the performances Ubersetzungen (based on poems by Trakl and Paul Celan) at the CCC, the Cultural Center of Cooperation; and Transfiguración del Mal (based on texts by Trakl) at the Casa de la Lectura of the Buenos Aires city government.
In 2012, he directed Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro for the city government’s
General Direction of Museums. In 2014, he created the Opera Periférica company,
which studies the possible dialogues between opera and non conventional spaces
for the genre.
In 2015 he staged Mozart’s Bastian and Bastianne (interventions at the Galpón
Piedrabuenarte and the Villa 20 shantytown, Lugano district). In August 2016, he
directed an intervention in the Buenos Aires subway using Pergolesi’s La Selva
Padrona, and was stage director for Cavalli’s La Calisto opera (in its South American debut) at the Teatro Argentino in La Plata. This past October, he was general director and stage director of the intervention at the villa 31 shantytown based on Pergolesi’s La Selva Padrona, and of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in the Buenos Aires subway’s H line. He was awarded the FNA grant for his Ópera Periférica project.